Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Alia, Justin and Bobby Story Chapter 1 By Argie @jonsweethearts

This story starts out with a girl named Alia Weston. Alia was born and raised in a small country town in Kentucky. She was 23 years old and a single girl trying to make it in the music business. Alia was home alone on a Friday night trying to write a new song. She decided to go out and clear her head. She walked to the nearest bar to have herself a drink and think about her music and her life. She sat there at the bar stool drinking and drowning her sorrows when she looked up and noticed a young guy staring back at her. He came over and asked her if he could sit down and buy her a drink. She said "yes, u can buy me a drink". He said my name is Justin Riley and I am a guitar player. She responded saying in a low voice I'm Alia and I'm a music artist or trying to be one. He asked her softly, "why are you crying"? She told him she was having trouble writing her new song and needed time to herself to think about her life and where she wanted to end up with her music. He looked at her, wiped the tears away and asked her if she wanted to take a walk. She said "yes, I would love to walk with you". They went out to walk and it started raining. They spoke for a while and Justin said in a soft voice "I have to leave you, but will return". She asked him in a gentle voice "Where are you going"?  He responded in that soft voice "I have to go back home to care for my sick mother". She did not want him to go, but she knew deep in her heart she had to let him leave. He pushed her in close to him and hugged her tightly. He said "don't cry for me, I will return". Justin took one last look at her, and walked away in the night. Alia stood there in the rain, broken hearted and weeping, but some how knew that Justin would return. As she stood there a friend of Justin named Bobby Knight appeared and asked her if she was alright. Alia said in that low voice "yes, I will be alright". Bobby hugged her and told her do not worry my friend Justin will return to you. Alia said "thank you, I am fine now". Bobby asked Alia in a sweet voice "can I walk you back home". Alia stood there and said I would love for you to walk me home. She did not want to be left alone, standing in the rain broken hearted. Bobby had an umbrella and Alia walked with him back home in the rain at the dead of night. That night Alia was grateful to have met Justin and Bobby and to have two of the sweetest guys help her.

The End.
 Story by Argie Kalas @jonsweethearts
To my boys Justin who played Donnie Wahlberg and Bobby who was Jonathan Knight I thank you as well for loving me as much as you do.

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